Saturday, 21 May 2016

Good humor is wonderful. Here are a couple of quotes:
Victor Borge: "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."
Anonymous: "Dogs have masters. Cats have staff."
Some of my poems are in print magazines; others are easy to find via google search. It seems to me that people with a wide range of political opinions tend to like my poems (not being biased, of course!). Comments on blog posts are welcome; perhaps some people are mistakenly reluctant to comment because they don't want to act like poetry critics. The blog is the less common, non-commercial type. I try to enjoy being useful.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

A few generations ago, there was little or no alternative to coal as a source of fuel for many things. Coal miners worked long hours, got coal dust in their lungs, and died young. Hence this poem:

    Coal miner
grandpa's ancestor
seems to say
see my story
and count your choices