she and I
together so long
giving things meaning
by sharing
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Small children and good poets
have a lot of questions.
Beware of those who claim
to know all of the answers.
Friday, 5 June 2020
The scenic photos on this blog
are from various countries.
I didn't take them. I hope
you find them enjoyable
and inspiring, as I do.
Saturday, 16 May 2020
In these tough times, we need
inspiration from various arts
more than usual.
This might work in some places
(outside, with social distancing):
Poetry reading
bards and triers
a venerable tradition
the audience listens
looking for magic
I'm lucky enough to be living in
a place where the management
of COVID-19 is going very well.
Of course, our ancestors also
faced huge challenges including
wars and plagues.
Saturday, 14 March 2020
Other heroes doctors in pandemics
firefighters in bushfires
whistleblowers in corruption
mothers who manage much
Friday, 6 March 2020
The human mind is the
most complicated and
mysterious thing
known to science.
bring the band
and sing great songs
armies of robots
can't kill poetry